Thomas and the kids |
It's been a BUSY summer, no real time to relax and then to blog. It's been really fun, tho!
Among the last few blog posts a few months ago, I'd shared that we were planning on moving to Austin, Texas.
*whirrring, whoooooooossssh, clank!* We're now in Austin! Central Standard Time!
Thomas drove here from Maryland earlier this month. The kids and I flew here nonstop last Thursday (Aug. 9th) after 5 pleasant-weathered weeks in the Seattle, Washington area with family.
The kids with Grandpa Dan and Grandma Hildy in Bothell, WA.
Can you read the braille on Skyler's shirt? (Photo by Grandpa Dan.) |
As we were approaching Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, I looked out on the geography. Not the geography of Washington or Maryland. I thought to myself, "This is home."
We're not visiting this time around. This is it. This year we're going to learn a lot about the system here and a lot more about each one of our kids. We are looking forward to meeting their new friends, families, teachers, support service providers, consultants, etc. Like an old Girl Scout song (yeah, I was a Brownie and Junior), we'll remember the support and friendship from the places where we've been...
Make new friends,
But keep the old,
One is silver
and the other's gold.
A peaceful moment in the air. |
It's been a mellow hanging-out-in-air-conditioned-spaces-watching-the-Olympics week as we're getting ourselves set up the best we still can for a family not yet in their official place of residence. Later today, I will head over to Anastasia's new school to get her registered.
Thankfully we were allowed a dip in our apartment-to-be's swimming pool last night. The water was just right. I tossed Skyler up the best I still could, Tasia practiced blowing out of her nose underwater, Orion was glided through the water and the three of them splashed with their hands. It was cute. Then at night Orion was physically busy anyone could be while laying down. Something tells me that plenty of pool time's going to do wonders for Orion's physical progress as well as Skyler and Anastasia's swimming skills after we move in the apartment on the 28th.
Until next time, stay cool!