While riding back with my mom and Tasia after a manicure today, I remembered that the last time I had a manicure done it was the morning of July 19th. Actually, not just a manicure. I had gone to Roxsan Day Spa at White Flint Mall for a facial, pregnancy massage, manicure and pedicure all in one visit. It was so nice, of course you can imagine. After the spa, I walked around White Flint Mall and eventually drove over to BuyBuy Baby looking for a 'take home outfit' for our new baby boy. I was hoping to find a shirt with "O", for Orion, but none were to be found. Time was running out and I had to rush over to my 38 week prenatal appointment, didn't have time to stop at a good ol' deli, didn't want to stop for fast food (blech!) so I resorted to snacking on the dried apricots I had in my purse. It was there at the appointment I slowed down to have a fetal heart tracing, apparently I was having frequent contractions. The doctor asked about them and I didn't realize it was apparently significant. I thought contractions were supposed to hurt, I was just uncomfortable. My 3rd baby and I finally have an inkling of what early labor feels like! (With Skyler, I was induced and ended up having a c-section; with Anastasia, Thomas and I just strolled into the hospital on the day of the scheduled c-section.) The doctor said to go straight to the hospital, no hurry, though. No food either. No pit stop at home. Lo and behold, at 8:47 p.m. on July 19, 2010, Orion Theodore Withrow was born via c-section!
The spa visit was a Mother's Day gift to me from Thomas and the kids. Funny, though, this Mom's day gift certificate was used on the day I'm a new mom to our 3rd child.
Thomas and a niece eventually went to BuyBuy Baby to pick something out for a 'take home outfit' after Orion was born.
To any expectant mothers out there: Relax. Do not clean house. Do not clean your shelves. Do not work. Just. Relax. Even if it doesn't lead to baby coming; it'll be the last of any relaxation of its kind you can find before your new baby (or your yet another child) comes!
Photo above: On the way to Holy Cross Hospital the afternoon of July 19th to meet my 3rd child, Orion.
ReplyDeleteThomas, the husband!
totally agree with you on Just. Relax. cuz once the baby is born, it's a madhouse!!!! Wish I had done that before Lucrezia was born!